A little snippet into 'Body Love After Birthing Babes
As you would know, pregnancy, childbirth and the act of being a mother every day for the rest of your life (scary when it's put it like that?) is going to change you.
It's a fact of becoming a mother.
Being a first time mum, there is nothing quite there that will ever prepare you for what is coming beyond growing that beautiful baby bump.
Inside your head and all over your body, you’re going to be different than you were before.
It's another fact of becoming a mother.
Our priorities change, from you being your only worry to now being responsible for keeping another little human alive.
Mind Blowing Right?
It's certainly not a bad thing. Change is not a bad thing.
During and after pregnancy, your bones shifted, your hormones were a roller coaster and your body rebounded as best it could after growing a little human for a period of 40 ish weeks.
Mumma, that’s a lot to have happen to you and your beautiful body!
Your belly certainly in't how is was prior to pregnancy and your swollen face, hands and ankles are still looking puffy.
Your body, in its entirety, changed to make your baby. And that in itself creates so much power within a women. Our bodies are simply amazing. Your blood volume changed, you retained water, you sacrificed calcium meant for your own bones, all to grow another human to be delivered earth side by coming out of your beautiful body, in one way or another! Without all of those changes your body had to make, squishing internal organs and adjusting muscles and ligaments all over, you wouldn’t have been able to make a baby.
You mumma are your very own universe, creating life that will no doubt grow, evolve and flourish around you.
Have you ever noticed the beauty in a mother's body after birthing her baby?
Have you ever noticed the beauty within your own body after birthing your baby?
When you see a mum holding her new born baby in the form of real life or from photos taken right after the birth, there is such beauty and wonderment within them.
The mother is glowing and radiant, a sign of oxycontin (the love hormone) and adrenaline (the body's fight-or-flight response) running though her body. You can only imagine the thoughts going through her mind at the moment she finally held her baby earth side within her arms and no longer within her womb. Her belly is half deflated now and it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, because you know that little bundle being loved, lived there. That was his home.
As we see the beauty in this mummas body, a few days later and sometimes instantly she is feeling like her body is somewhat imperfect, it's not to standard and in the back of her mind she is already planning the next diet.
Even for women who may return to pre-pregnancy weight, their size and shape are different. Breasts can shrink back and skin may return to normal for some, but the body changes at a fundamental level when you have a child.
Suddenly, there’s more anxiety and stress and yet more delicious oxycontin in your brain. You have a knot of muscle under your right shoulder blade from rocking and hushing your ever growing baby who is so dependent on you.
You never sleep the same way ever again, always listening and on high-alert, just in case your baby needs you. You’re different. And it’s a beautiful thing.
Step by step, we’re going to walk through a journey of loving these changes together. We’re going to explore what has changed and why, understand the value of accepting those changes and then work toward loving all of it. It’s okay to be scared.
During all of this, you will learn to shed the onion layers and learn to love yourself as much as you deserve to be loved.
You deserve to love yourself completely.
You deserve to love yourself unconditionally.
You deserve to love your postpartum body.
You deserve to love your body after birthing babes.

Samara Romanis
Founder & CEO
Body Love After Birthing Babes was founded by Samara Romanis in 2019.
With a passion to build women up, to believe in themselves, to know they are worthy of self love and they are 100% more than they think they are.
Samara is a body love coach, mentor and event speaker in the body image for mothers world.
"I am a mum to four boys. Parenting now for 10 years and each and every birth experience has been completely different. I have been on the cuddly side since I was about 6 years old and have battled an eating disorder (emotional eating / overeating). Since having my fourth baby in 2017 I decided to take a stand for myself. I have been investing in myself and making myself a priority to gain self acceptance, happiness and freedom to just be and do me, the best way i know how.
I am a beauty therapist of almost 8 years now and it has certainly opened my eyes to the lack of self confidence and self worth women carry with them. The title of my industry is exactly that. I am sure some of my clients kept coming back to gain clarity and a mind reset more than anything else. Seeing a Beauty Therapist is the cheapest type of therapy around. I wouldn't have it any other way."
Samara has taken on lifestyle and mindset change, leaving the diet culture behind and she is on a mission to be the cheerleader of women, of mothers, so they can grow, evolve and flourish.
Samara hopes through her work that she empowers women in their health, well-being, body image, self love & loving themselves as they stand today.