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Ten things I wish all new mums knew⁣.

Ten things I wish all new mums knew⁣

1) Looking after yourself is the best way to look after your baby.⁣

2) Resting after birth should be prioritised in whatever way possible.⁣

3) You need your village - accept all help offered and if it isn't offered, ask for it (during pregnancy if possible).⁣

4) You can't force a baby to sleep - spending hours everyday in a dark room patting and shushing, trying to get your baby to sleep is not good for you or your baby.⁣

5) Intuition is learned - seek support from people who encourage you to tap into it, rather than telling you what you "should" be doing with your baby.⁣

6) Feeding to sleep is probably the best tool you've got.⁣

7) For the mums who breastfeed, learning how to feed lying down and safely cosleep with your baby are great ways to get you both more sleep.⁣

8) Having a bath with your baby is a beautiful way both you and your partner can bond with your baby and help settle them.⁣

9) Babywearing is probably the second best parenting tool after feeding to sleep. You won't regret investing in a good baby carrier.⁣

10) YOU MATTER. Good support is vital - both practical and emotional/psychological.⁣

This is just a start - there is so much more I could add!⁣

What do you wish all new mums knew that could help make those newborn days just a little bit easier?


Thank you so much Katie for sharing this is just beautiful.

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