Thank you Taryn for joining us during #bodyloveweek inside The Body Love Summit.
Taryn is a women’s physio. + Body Conscious Coach. A science ‘n’ soul integrated approach to whole body health. Feel at home in your body, comfortable in your skin & centred in your SELF. "As a physiotherapist Taryn specialises in Women's Health and Fitness. Taryn treats common Women's Health concerns such as: - Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise - Incontinence (leakage) particularly with exercise - Exercising with Prolapse - Pelvic Floor and Core Dysfunction - Rectus Diastasis (Abdominal Separation) Taryn also helps Women with their health and fitness goals including - Weight Management - Personalised Fitness Programs - Running skills - Injury prevention - Learning to Lift and minimise the risk to your Pelvic Floor."
Catch the video replay with Anna by joining the private facebook group 'The Body Love Summit' here